hahax..todae morning went to mickey's crib..
coolx..watch sum funny shits..fuckin funny duude..
so didnt get enough sleep. till after noon went to meet my bro..sicked
for while then tot of goin to whitesand to meet fat joe..eh i mean amir... then he kena bastard..so late then dowan to come.so ask him come down my hood..boredom takes over, till we went on our own ways to our own house...okx i noe boring right hahax..
on my way..saw jugend..sk8 for while..lolx...then went home
then..n then.......n then.......n theeeennnnnnnn....
i noe i sleep around 8 plus woke up around now...micky goin cycling soon or wat..damn...i wish my bike still there..arrrhhhh
nvm...lata hhax..now i wanna chill n drink sum kopi..hehex
chin chaoz..seeya around...hmm my tagboard's dead..
mayb i should remove it..hahax.. it was so heavy to move the mouse to edit the back ground of my blog..i hate it actually..
peace out no h8..
coolx..watch sum funny shits..fuckin funny duude..
so didnt get enough sleep. till after noon went to meet my bro..sicked
for while then tot of goin to whitesand to meet fat joe..eh i mean amir... then he kena bastard..so late then dowan to come.so ask him come down my hood..boredom takes over, till we went on our own ways to our own house...okx i noe boring right hahax..
on my way..saw jugend..sk8 for while..lolx...then went home
then..n then.......n then.......n theeeennnnnnnn....
i noe i sleep around 8 plus woke up around now...micky goin cycling soon or wat..damn...i wish my bike still there..arrrhhhh
nvm...lata hhax..now i wanna chill n drink sum kopi..hehex
chin chaoz..seeya around...hmm my tagboard's dead..
mayb i should remove it..hahax.. it was so heavy to move the mouse to edit the back ground of my blog..i hate it actually..
peace out no h8..
waitt.... see tis..
