Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Out from under

Fasting went terribly wrong! i dont know! i can go on fasting for as long as i can. it just take one M.C to stop and be lazy. it became a selective fasting, fast when and when i like. HAHAH. okay not funny this is no laughing matter. i need to improve myself, throw away bad habits. 

by the way she's cute, with or without make up! right!!? arhhh melts. hahahha is she ur mom kids? i dont know! we'll see about that. hahah anyway both are pretty, BOTH!!? yeah both! one of them i knew for a very long time and the other, is my crush! and its in the early stage of courtship hahah..or maybe just widening my circle of friends. i have a bad habit since young; not talking to people. shyboy they said. mayb just toward girls. anyway both of em are funny pretty and intelligent. but what if i made a mistake? will it be a mistake..? will it last? i hope i know what im doing sometimes, sucks to be in a position where i felt like running away, emotionally stressed unneccessarily.. names? no names please.. for all i know its not both of them..hahah someone else.. arhh im
crapping again. pardon my english kids, d7 o level..thats why im reading more nowadays. like 50 shade of grey hahahahahah cool story gonna continue tomoro..sounds interesting eh? okay thats it for now... why do girls like to whine? ermm but i dont mind listening to them..u can learnt somethin from them.. 

this is me and no i seldom wear my glasses unless im infront of the comp. what a boring post.. i dont know how to make a post interesting with good topics and shit..but anyway chao!

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