I'm stress right now..
y can't i be maself
y can't i be maself
music can alter mood n talk to u
but can it finish ur homework n do O's too
if next time u get straight A's
tell the teachers..u all are mutha farkers
n i dun need u..
but can it finish ur homework n do O's too
if next time u get straight A's
tell the teachers..u all are mutha farkers
n i dun need u..
wat dis foolz dun hear us complainin bout school rules
they wanna get job done they dun care our feelins..aiite cool
the worlds turn over dude n its very pity..
tis crook dun prepare us for 21st century
aint mad..juz sad n its gettin bad..
as i walk down the track
wit stupid shack n rag
Beg for cash no time to play some ass
i'll puke if go to phuket..
Take photo and dun forget to wave..
sorrie for those peeps, its not my fault
Say cheese while die in peace..
Till the wave comes on n u r hearing tis song..
PeAcee no...
the worlds turn over dude n its very pity..
tis crook dun prepare us for 21st century
aint mad..juz sad n its gettin bad..
as i walk down the track
wit stupid shack n rag
Beg for cash no time to play some ass
i'll puke if go to phuket..
Take photo and dun forget to wave..
sorrie for those peeps, its not my fault
Say cheese while die in peace..
Till the wave comes on n u r hearing tis song..
PeAcee no...