Friday, May 26, 2006

some call me syah some call me mi some col me pink..some col me rod..some call me sam..
u can call me penny too winkX
whuever u are watever u do...juz dun call me shitfacecockmaster hahax k lame...

the most important shit that i have to face is the awful truth about left n right..big n small..
the days that were numbered, the lives shorten , the heart weaken, ur fallen friends , ur inevitable schoolin days , board days decrease , fears higher , skills demolished , hearts everyone whu was there . bye for now or later or u might never see me again..

HIS BACK..!!!haha

i'm tryin to quit here...

blog out tis shit

with buto,

Monday, May 15, 2006

i wish u were mine

sirus the virus__

k the last time i wasn't there..u told me to come around and hopin somethin would came out of sumthin..and i swear its the last time...n i swear its the last time...u should juz die like the rest.. u they them..had the same pattern,same style its absurb that i did fall into it, i came back square one squared it off to hit the street back like a bird. U couldnt control my life coz ur juz another bastard..

as i close my eyes..i realize dat the purpose of life is shorten due to people liek u...

i dunnoe man what triggers me to continue to blog tis shit is that i'm afraid i might die next day.
at least u will noe what was goin tru my head b4 i died...if i were to die who would bury me..

oklah enough of my crap i heart skateboarding!!

but its not the only thing in my life coz i got beautiful crazie ass ppl surrounds me..
physically..or menttalllyyy..MSNly or MAILly...myspacely or frensterly..

i dunnoe wats wrong wit me nowadays..but they turn me softer..i dunnoe whu...

hey i love oz too..hearts ozianz