hmm...so sleepy doin exams...O's comin..?? selfishness leading lives away from animosity..
eh wat tokin me...haiz...scary..scared afraid..terrified petrified..
watever sike....!!!
hmm..hv been missing u lately...so my bro got a new hook whu is also my pen pal..hahax...gd luck yeah...both of ya,,,i'm gettin sick and tired of the prison..hoping to have a revolution soon...
need supporters...based on his fat stomach...there's no way its goin to burst,,,so my only option..is..leave this muther f***** prison... and i had no option...failure is not an option...Suckcess is my only way out...once o leave i wont come back..not for the sick of the fat bastard whu destroy my years of happiness in the prison,,
please...die of heart disease or sumthin...ur juz too fat...
there is no way that i'm goin to write things that is goin to oppose an1...but once i rap.. sue me...arse hole......bleed till u shit bleed....
hit me niggaz...i got 99 problems with the school..underground rule breakers...escape the prison and u'll be freed for life..
freedom for mankind 22 november 2005....peace